5 Marketing Ideas for Indian Restaurant Owners in the New Financial Year

in  online order  By SannatUpdated on: 07/04/2024

5 Marketing Ideas for Indian Restaurant Owners in the New Financial Year

Heading 2: Struggling with Marketing Ideas for Indian Restaurant ?

Are you the proud owner of an Indian restaurant and looking to awaken your marketing game for the new year? In this cut-throat world of food, making sure you get ahead and catch more eyes in your direction is essential. To help you achieve your goals, we’ve come up with five innovative marketing ideas tailored specifically for Indian restaurant owners. We’ll also introduce you to our newest creation, Waakif: a POS system that’s designed to speed up order processing and rekindle customer loyalty. Let’s dive right in!

1. Savvy on Social Media:

In this digital age we’re all swimming through, social media is the most powerful tool there is when it comes to reaching a more diverse audience and engaging with potential customers. Think about creating visually stunning posts that showcase all of your meals that make people drool at just one glance, show behind-the-scenes footage of what goes on in your kitchen (people love seeing these!), and promote special deals that’ll keep them coming back for more deliciousness.

2. Collaborate with Influencers:

Partnering up with some well-known food bloggers, influencers or local celebrities can skyrocket your restaurant's visibility through the roof. Inviting them over for a tasting session where they try out all of your finest dishes will not only fill their belly but also serve as free promotion when they share their experience with their followers later on down the line. An endorsement from someone they trust can bring in new faces quicker than ever.

3. Host Special Events:

Nightly themes, live music performances or even cooking workshops are great ways to really entice people into coming through those doors of yours. These unique dining experiences will have people calling left and right asking “When’s the next one?” Make sure you take full advantage of platforms like social media or email newsletters to spread word about these events as far as possible.

4. Bring Back Loyalty Programs:

Everyone loves feeling appreciated once in a while, and your customers are no different. Putting in the effort to give back to them for their continued business could be your ticket to building lifelong relationships with them. Offer discounts, freebies or exclusive perks to those who come in often and spend larger amounts of money than others. You’ll be blown away by how excited people get over a good deal! You can automate your loyalty program by leveraging the right software. Check the list of best loyalty software here

5. Online Ordering & Delivery:

We now live in an on-demand world where finding delivery at easy is new living way, in case you haven't noticed yet. Without having to wait or twitch a muscle, people want what they want, when they want it (sometimes even for no reason at all OR being Lazy :D ). Offering your clients the option to place orders online will increase sales while saving them time and hassle. But don't stress over the shipping aspect! With the help of some cool features, you can always keep track of each driver's whereabouts and inform consumers of their expected arrival time.

With these spectacular marketing ideas along with Waakif’s easy-to-use POS system, elevating your Indian restaurant's brand presence and attracting new customers has never been easier. Go ahead and visit us here to see how else you can revolutionize your operations this year in order to drive more growth than ever before. Cheers to a happy year of marketing and cooking!

Do you know❓
Waakif helps brands to boost their sales, manage customers, make strategies from insights using AI.
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